Aa lozanoi Szlach. & S.Nowak 2014TYPE Drawing by S Nowak and The Springer Link Website
Common Name Lozano's Aa [Colombian Co-Collector of Species current]
Flower Size
Found in Cundinamarca and Caldas Colombia in Paramo at elevations of 2800 to 4300 meters as a medium sized, cold growing terrestrial with an erect, slender stem carrying leaves that are absent at flowering and blooms in the late winter spring and later summer on a terminal, erect, slender, loosely 12 to 18 sheathed, terminated by a cylindrical, 1.6 to 3.2" [4 to 8 cm] long, glabrous, densely many flowered inflorescence with somewhat longer than the flowers, broadly ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, semi-transparent, margin entire floral bracts.
Similar to Aa argyrolepis but Aa loxanoi has entire margins to the seplas, petals and floral bracts, the lip is very thick and fleshy, especially in the center, the lip margins ate very minutely denticulate in the upper part and entore below, the stigma is transversly pandurate, the clinandrium is very obscure and the anther is shortly stalked.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Szlachetko, D.L. & Nowak, S. Plant Syst Evol (2014) 300: 1833. doi:10.1007/s00606-014-1010-3 drawings fide