Acanthophippium eburneum Kraenzl. 1896 Borneo
Type Drawing by J J Smith and The Swiss Orchid Fouindation at the Jamy Renz Herbaria Website
A aff eburneum close upFlower Closeup
Photos courtesy of Peter Maxwell.
Common Name The Ivory White Acanthophippium
Flower Size 2.4" [6 cm]
Found in northern Sumatra and Sarawak Borneo as a large sized, warm to cool growing terrestrial orchid with ovoid to fusiform, 4 to 6 noded pseudobulbs enveloped by persistent sheaths becoming fibers and carrying a few plicate, elliptic to broadly elliptic, acute to apiculate, 5 veined dorsally, gradually narrowing below into the petiolate base leaves that blooms in the summer on a lateral, on the basal node of a new growth, 5.2" [13 cm] long, few flowered inflorescence with 2 to 3 sterile bracts and cymbiform, ovate-lanceolate, acute, foliaceous floral bracts carrying fleshy flowers.
CAUTION!! I can not be absolutely sure of the Photo ID on this one. It was photographed in Borneo but the photo in Orchids of Borneo Wood, Shim & Lamb Vol 3 1997 is at a different angle than these and the lip is not visible as it is in these two. The Location; the white, pubescent pedicels; sepal and petal colors, column all agree to reference photo. The Type drawing is absolutely correct.
Synonyms Acanthephippium lycaste Ridl. 1912
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Die Orchideen Band 3 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas Liferung #14 820 - 880 1984; Die Orchideen Band 3 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas Liferung #14 820 - 880 1984 as A lycaste; A Checklist of the Orchids of Borneo Wood & Cribb 1994 photo good; Orchids of Borneo Wood Vol 3 1997 drawing/photo?; Orchids of Sumatra J B Comber 2001; Orchids of Sarawak Beaman, Wood, Beaman etal 2001