Aerides magnifica Cootes & W.Suarez 2014 SECTION Aerides
Alba Version Photos by J R Espinas and his Weekend Farm Blog
Common Name The Magnificent Aerides
Flower Size 1.04" [2.6 cm]
Found in the Philippines on the islands of Calayan at elevations up to 300 meters as a medium sized, hot growing epiphyte with an erect, stem carrying linear to narrowly oblong, leathery, unequally bilobed apcailly, arching, strap shped leaves that blooms in the late summer and early fall on a horizontal to gently arching to pendulous, to 20" [50 cm] long, many flowered inflorescence carrying sweetly scented flowers
Synonyms Philippine Native Orchid Species Cootes 2011 as A quinquevulnera var
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Philippine Native Orchid Species Cootes 2011 as A quinquevulnera var calayanensis Hort. photo fide; *Orchideen J. 21: 127 2014