~ Agrostophyllum agusanense Ormerod 2014 - See Agrostophyllum majus Hook.f. 1890 SECTION Agrostophyllum Drawing by © Paul Ormerod and The Taiwania Website
Common Name or Meaning The Agusan River Agrostophyllum [A river on Mindanao Island of the Philippines]
Flower Size
Found in Mindanao Philippines in swampy lowlands at elevations around 12 meters as a medium to just large sized, hot growing epiphyte with an erect, subterete basally, compressed above, leafy in the upper half stem carrying narrowly ligulate, obtuse, apex shortly conduplicate, drying dark green leaves that blooms in the early summer on a terminal, short, subglobose, numerous bracted, very densely many flowered inflorescence about 1.2" [3 cm] wide.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Taiwania, 59(4): 331? 339 Ormerod 2014 drawing fide; Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 20 2017 as Syn of A majus;