Agrostophyllum longivaginatum Ames 1913 publ. 1914 SECTION Agrostophyllum Comber
Photo by © Jim Cootes and The Phyto Images Website
Common Name or Meaning The Long Sheathed Agrostophyllum
Flower Size .4" [1 cm]
Found in the Philippines at elevations around 600 meters as a small to medium sized, warm growing epiphyte with flattened, narrowed at the base, upper half leafy stem carrying 2 ranked, linear to oblong, unequally lobed apically leaves that blooms in the fall, winter and spring on a terminal, on the underside of the stem, densely clustered, capitate, .8 to 1.6" [2 to 4 cm] wide, successively many flowered inflorescence.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; The Complete Writings on Philippine Orchids Vol 1 Quisumbing 1981; Orchidiana Philippina Vol 1 Valmayor 1984; Philippine Native Orchid Species Cootes 2011 photo fide; Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 20 2017;