Amoana latipetala Leopardi & Hágsater 2012 Photo/Drawing by © Leopardi & Hagsater and Research Gate Article

Common Name The Broad Petal Amoana

Flower Size 1" [2.5 cm]

Found in southwestern Mexico but without locality asnd only with an inflorescence to describe as an apparantly simple, 4.8 t o5.2" [12 to 13 cm] long inflorescence with elliptic-lanceoalte, relatively conspiculous floral bracts.

~This species [A and B in the photo above] is easily distinguished from Amoana kienastii [c and d in the photo above] by its more robust flowers and lanceolate tepals, which are wider (ca. 0.7 cm) and shorter (ca. 1.6 cm) than those of A. kienastii (0.3–0.4 × 2.0–2.5 cm). The lip of A. latipetala is also different from that of A. kienastii; it is orbicular-elliptic, not oblong-obovate as in A. kienastii.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Phytotaxa 65: 30 CARLOS LEOPARDI, GERMÁN CARNEVALI & GUSTAVO A. ROMERO-GONZÁLEZ 2012 drawing/photo fide
