Angraecum giryamae Rendle 1895 SECTION Angraecum Photo by Eric Hunt
Common Name The Giryama Angraecum [Tribe In northeasern Kenya]
Flower Size 4" [10 cm]
Said to be a subspecies of Angraecum eburneum, I will separate it for now. Differs by having 20 to 30 flowers with the lip slightly wider than long, obscurely 3-lobed in the upper part and has a spur that is less than 2.4" [6 cm] long and occurs only in Kenya and Tanzania often on coral near the sea and as an epiphyte further inland.
Synonyms Angraecum eburneum subsp giryama [Rendle] Cribb & Senghas
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; AOS Bulletin Vol 26 No 8 1957 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 32 No 10 1963 photo; Encylopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965 as Angraecum eburneum var giryamae; AOS Bulletin Vol 37 No 10 1968 photo fide; Orchids of East Africa Piers 1968 photo good; Manual of Cultivated Orchids Bechtel, Cribb, Laurent 1982 as Angraecum eburneum var giryamae; The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Orchids Pridgeon 1982 as Angraecum eburneum ssp giryamae; Rudolph Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1B lieferung 16/17/18 945-1128 Brieger 1985 as A eburneum var giryame drawing pollina only/photo fide; Cultivated Angraecoid Orchids Of Madagascar Hillerman & Holst 1986 as A eburneum var giryame; Flora of Tropical East Africa Orchidaceae Part 3 Cribb 1989 as Angraecum eburneum var giryamae; Manual of Orchids Stewart 1995 as Angraecum eburneum ssp giryamae; Orchids of Kenya Stewart 1996 as Angraecum eburneum ssp giryamae photo fide; African Orchids in the Wild and Cultivation La Croix 1997 as A eburneum var giryamae; Flora's Orchids Nash & La Croix 2005 as Angraecum eburneum ssp giryamae; Angraecoid Orchids Stewart, Hermans, Campbell 2006 as Angraecum eburneum ssp giryamae