Anoectochilus grandiflorus Lindl. 1857
Photo by © S. Z. Lucksom and Orchids of Sikkim and norteastern Himalayas
Drawing Drawing by © Pradhan Common Name The Large Flowered Anoectochilus
Flower Size .6 to 1" [1.5 to 2.5 cm]
Found in Assam and Bhutan and the eastern Himalayas at elevations around 1200 to 2000 meters as a medium sized, cool growing terrestrial with a decumbent, glabrous stem carrying elliptic to broadly elliptic, oblique, many veined, petiolate base leaves that blooms in the summer on an erect, sparsely pubescent, 2 to 2.6" [5 to 6.5 cm] long, laxly many flowered inflorescence with 2 to 3 ovate bracts and ovate-lanceolate, convolute floral bracts.
Synonyms Cystopus grandiflorus (Lindl.) Kuntze 1891; Odontochilus grandiflorus (Lindl.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex B.D. Jacks1894
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
The Orchids of Sikkim-Himalaya Part 1 King & Pantling 1898 drawing ok; Die Orchideen Schlechter 1915 as Odontochilus grandiflorus; The Orchids of Thailand Seidenfadden & Smitnand 1959 drawing fide; Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965; Die Orchideen 3 Auflage Bd 1 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Lieferung 5 257 - 320 Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas 1974;Indian Orchids, Guide to Identification and Culture Pradhan 1976 drawing fide; Orchids of Bhutan Pearce & Cribb 2002; 100 Sikkim Himalayan Orchids Pradhan 2005as Odontochilus grandiflorus photo good; Orchids of India A Glimpse Misra 2007 as Odontochilus grandiflorus; A review on Spiranthoideae genera in Arunachal Pradesh Bulletin of Arunachal Forest Research 27 (1&2) : 1-33, Rao 2011 as Odontochilus grandiflorus;A Century of New Orchid Records in Bhutan Royal Government of Bhutan 2017 as Odontochilus grandiflorus drawing/photo fide