!Apetalanthe gracilis Aver. & Vuong 2020
Photos by © Nguyen Thanh Luan and Taiwania 65(4): 478?492, New Orchids in the Flora of Vietnam ? (Collabieae, Malaxideae, Nervilieae and Orchideae) Leonid V. AVERYANOV, Ba Vuong TRUONG, Van Canh NGUYEN, Tatiana V. MAISAK, Quang Diep DINH, Maxim S. NURALIEV, Khang Sinh NGUYEN and Van Tan CHU 2020
Common Name The Graceful Apetalanthe
Flower Size .2" [5 mm]
Found in northwestern Vietnam in wet mossy open places on rocky outcrops in humid evergreen broad-leaved forest at elevations of 2000 and 3000 meters as a mini-minaiture sized, cold growing tuberiferous, stoloniferous, generally glabrous terrestrial or lithophyte with underground, subglobular, ovoid or shortly cylindrical, pale yellowish to light brownish, densely covered with root hairs tuber giving rise to an ascending, oblique to erect, white at base, grassy green in distal half stem with fine longitudinal papillulose ribs and basally bearing 3 to 4 tubular white or light greenish, acute to obtuse apically bracts and carrying a single, suberect to horizontally recurved, cauline, sessile, narrowly lanceolate, often slightly falcate, conduplicate, grassy green, tapering from wide base to obtuse apex, finely papillulose along margin, abaxially with prominent median vein leaf that blooms in the late spring and earlier summer on a terminal, peduncle ebracteate, grassy green, .72 to .96" [1.8 to 2.4] cm long; rachis grassy green, .32 to .8" [0.8 to 2 cm] long, lax, somewhat secund, 1 to 3 flowered inflorescence with leaf-like, narrowly to broadly lanceolate, horizontally recurved, grassy green, tapering from broad base to acute apex, papillulose along margin, as long as the ovary floral bract.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Taiwania 65(4): 478?492, New Orchids in the Flora of Vietnam ? (Collabieae, Malaxideae, Nervilieae and Orchideae) Leonid V. AVERYANOV, Ba Vuong TRUONG, Van Canh NGUYEN, Tatiana V. MAISAK, Quang Diep DINH, Maxim S. NURALIEV, Khang Sinh NGUYEN and Van Tan CHU 2020 photo/drawing fide