!Archivea kewensis Christenson & Jenny 1996 Drawing by T Duncanson
Common Name The Kew Archives Archivea [refers to the fact that this orchid is only known from a drawing held in Kew's Archives]
Flower Size
Found in Brazil without locality with approximate, ovoid, strongly many ribbed pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, erect, plicate, lanceolate, acute, narrowing below into the elongate petiolate base leaf that blooms on an apparently erect, basal, to 10 flowered inflorescence with 2 distant, lanceolate, acute bracts.
Similar to Warmingia eugenii but it has conduplicate, the pseudobulbs are without ribs, the inflorescence is laxly pendent, the sidelobes of the lip are not sharply delineated and are broad with denticulate margins and the petals are broader than the sepals and have denticulate margins.
The genus and species was described from the single drawing archived at Kew and presented with no other collections or citings and no measurements. Christenson and Jenny described this obscure orchid with minimal support in the hope that it may be rediscovered.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *AOS Bulletin Vol 65 No 5 1996 drawing fide;