Armodorum calcarata (Holttum) K.W.Tan 1974
Photo by Th. Nordhausen © and his The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website
Common Name or Meaning The Limestone Loving Armodorum
Flower Size 2.8 to 3.2" [7 to 8 cm]
Found in Sabah and Sarawak Borneo in hill and lower montane forests at elevations of 800 to 2000 meters as a large sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with a scrambling, erect stem carrying many, long, rigid, loosely arranged, strap-shaped leaves that blooms in the later summer and early fall on a branching, to 36" [90 cm] long, to 30 flowered inflorescence.
Synonyms *Arachnis calcarata Holttum 1949
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1B lieferung 22 1329 - 1392 Brieger 1989 photo fide; The Plants of Mount Kinabalu Vol 2 Wood, Beaman & Beaman 1993; A Checklist of the Orchids of Borneo Wood & Cribb 1994 as Arachnis calcarata; The Orchids of Sarawak Beaman & Wood 2001 as Arachnis calcarata photo fide; The Orchids of Mount Kinabalu Vol 1/2 Wood, Beamanm Lamb, Lun & Beaman 2011 as Arachnis calcarata drawing fide/photo good; Genera Orchidacearum Vol 6 Epidendrodeaea Pt 3 Pridgeon, Cribb, Chase and Rasmussen 2014