Bipinnula gibertii Rchb.f. 1876

Another Drawing

TYPE Drawing by © Rchb.f/drawing by Cogniaux and The Plant Illustration Website

Common Name Gibert's Bipinnula

Flower Size 3/4" [1.8 cm]

Found in Uruguay as a miniature sized, cold growing terrestrial with a rosette of 3 to 6, oblong to ovate-oblong, shorly petiolate base leaves and 4 to 5 wide sheaths above that blooms on an erect, short, single flowered inflorescence


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora Brasilica Vol XII I Hoehne 1940 drawing fide; Iconografia de Orchidaceae Do Brasil Hoehne 1949 drawing fide; Genera Orchidacearum Vol 3 Orchioideae Pt 2 Vanilloideae Pridgeon, Cribb, Chase and Rasmussen 2003 drawing fide;

