Brassia koehlerorum Schltr. 1921 Photo courtesy of David Morris
Common Name Koehler's Brassia
Flower Size 3 3/4" [9 cm]
Found in Peru at elevations of 790 to 1200 meters in very wet montane forests as a large sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte that blooms in the spring and again in the fall on a basal, arcuate to horizontal, emerging from the uppermost, basal leaf axil, 10 1/4" [25.5 cm] long, bracteate, racemose, several to many [10 to 18] flowered inflorescence which arises on a fully mature pseudobulb, carrying fragrant [chocolate-like], heavy textured flowers. The gradually tapered, narrowly elliptic-oblong, lightly compressed pseudobulbs carry 2 oblong or narrowly elliptic, attenuate into a short conduplicate petiole, apical, acute leaf.
This particular plant was IDed by Christensen as Brassia juinensis other sources say it is a synonym of B koehlerorum
Synonyms Brassia juninensis C. Schweinf. 1945
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Die Orchideen der Sudamerikanischen Kordillerenstaaten IV Peru Schlechter 1921; Orchids of Peru Schweinfurth 1960; Icones Orchidacearum Peruviarum plate 006 Bennet & Christenson 1993 drawing fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 33 - 36 2057 - 2308 Brieger 1997 photo fide; Orchid Species Culture: Oncidium, Bakers 2006; Orchid Species of Peru Zelenko Bermudez 2009 photo fide; Orquideas del Peru Freuler 2010 photo hmm