Bulbophyllum bulliferum J.J.Sm. 1908 SECTION Lepanthanthe Schlechter 1913
Photo by © Jeffery Champion
TYPE Drawing as B barbilabium by © Schlechter and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website
Drawing Drawings © by Vermeullen
Common Name The ? Bulbophyllum
Flower Size
Found in New Guinea, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands on trees in rain forests at elevations around 50 to 900 meters as a mini-miniature sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte with a short rhizome with .8 to 1.4" [2 to 3.5 cm] between each, minute, cylindical pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, elliptic-spathulate, obtuse, narroiwing below into the narrrow, subpetiolate base leaf that blooms in the late winter and early spring on an erect, basal, thin to 3.2" [8 cm] long, rachis zigzag, twisted, 5 to 10 flowered inflorescence with small floral bracts.
Schlechter states that the flowers are dark purple and differs from others in the section by the sparsely flowered raceme with a zig-zag, twisted rachis.
Vermeullen 1993 states that the species is variable and gives 2 drawings to show the differences.
Synonyms Bulbophyllum barbilabium Schltr. 1913; Bulbophyllum verrucibracteum J.J.Sm. 1913; Trachyrhachis barbilabia (Schltr.) Szlach. 2007; Trachyrhachis bullifera (J.J.Sm.) Szlach. 2007
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchidaceae of German New Guinea Schlechter 1913/85 as B barbilabium drawing fide; Orchidaceae of German New Guinea Schlechter 1913/85; The Orchids of the Solomon Islands and Bougainville Lewis & Cribb 1991; Orchid Monographs Vol 7 Vermeullen 1993 drawing fide;