Bulbophyllum retusum H. Jiang, D.P. Ye & J.D. Ya 2021 - A. Plant; B. Inflorescence; C. Flower (dorsal view, lateral view, front view); D. Adaxial sepals and petals; E. Abaxial sepals and petals; F. Column and lip; G. Column; H. Lip (front view, lateral view, dorsal view); I. Bract; J. Anther cap; K. Pollinarium. SECTION Brachyantha Rchb.f 1861

LCDP Photo by © Ji Dong Ya

In situ photos

In situ Photo by © Hong Jiang

Common Name The Retuse Bulbophyllum [refers to the retuse dorsal sepal of this new species]

Flower Size .24" [6 mm]

Found in Yunnan and Xizang provinces of China in monsoon evergreen broadleaved forest and mixed broadleaf-conifer forest at an elevation of 1400 to 2100 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cool to cold growing epiphyte or lithophyte with a creeping rhizome with .4 to .6" [1 to 2 cm] between each, ovoid to oblique ovoid, finely wrinkled pseudobulb enveloped by 2 membraneous sheaths and carrying a single, apical, oblong, leathery, acute apically, narrowing below into the shortly petiolate base leaf that blooms in the fall on a basal, erect, peduncle provided with 2 papery, tubular sheaths, shorter than the pseudobulbs, .44" [1.1 cm] long, 2 to 10 flowered inflorescence with obovate, obtuse, concave, externally verrucose shorter than the ovary floral bracts and holding the flowers in an apical umbel.

"B. retusum is similar to Bulbophyllum spathulatum (Rolfe ex E.W. Cooper) Seidenf. in floral morphology, but differs by having an inflorescence ca. .44" [1.1 cm] long, shorter than the pseudobulb (vs. 1.2 to 1.6" [3 to 4 cm] long, as long as pseudobulb), peduncles with 2 tubular sheaths (vs. 4 or 5 sheaths), dorsal sepals with a retuse apex (vs. subtruncate and slightly mucronate), lateral sepals with lower edges that are connate to each other and free and divergent toward the apex (vs. upper and lower edges connate to forming a slipper-shaped synsepal), obovate petals with an acute or slightly retuse apex (vs. oblong-lanceolate and apex obtuse)." Ji-Dong Ya etal 2021

Synonyms Bulbophyllum breviscapum H. Jiang & D.P. Ye 2010

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *New contributions to goodyerinae and dendrobiinae (orchidaceae) in the Flora of China Ji-Dong Ya, Ting Zhang, Tirtha Raj Pandey, Cheng Liu, Zhou-Dong Han, De-PingYe, De-Ming He, Qiang Liu, Lan Yang, Li Huang, Rong-Zhen Zhang, HongJiang, and Jie Cai 2021 Photo fide;
