Calanthe duyana Aver. 2006 SUBGENUS Calanthe SECTION Styloglossum
Another Angle Photos by © Leonid Averyanov and Vietnamese Creatures Website
Inflorescence Photo by © Mr Nông-v?n- Duy
Common Name Duy's Calanthe [Vietnamese discoverer of species current]
Flower Size 1.12" [2.8 cm]
Found in Vietnam in primary, wet, mossy, broadleaved evergreen and coniferous montane forests on granite, sandstone and shale at elevations of 1600 to 2000 meters as a miniature to small sized, cool growing terrestrial or rarely semi-epiphyte with very short, rigid, straight, not swollen, distant on rhizome 1.2 to 2" [3 to 5 cm] between each, orthotropic stems enveloped by evanescent sheaths and carrying elliptic to narrowly elliptic, acuminate, usually 3 distant nerved, narrowing below into the rigid, narroiw, straight petiolate base leaves that blooms in the late summer and earlier fall on an erect, arising from the rhizome, peduncle light green, 2 to 4.8" [5 to 12 cm] long, rachis .4 to 1.6" [1 to 4 cm] long, 1 to 6 flowered inflorescence enveloped by broad, imbricate, obtuse, white to greenish bracts and caducous, falling very early, white, narrowly ovate to elliptic, acuminate floral bracts.
Synonyms Styloglossum duyanum ( Aver. ) T.Yukawa & P.J.Cribb 2014
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 7 2011 drawing fide; The Genus Calanthe Clayton & Cribb 2013 drawing/photo fide; Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 17 2016 as Styloglossum duyanum photo fide;