Calanthe rosea (Lindl.) Benth. 1880 SUBGENUS Preptanthe
Photo courtesy of Igor Zhuravlev
Common Name The Pink Calanthe
Flower Size 2 1/2" [6.25 cm]
Found in Myanmar and Thailand in deciduous forests on limestone hills at elevations around 100 meters as a small sized, deciduous, hot growing terrestrial orchid with elliptic to fusiform, narrowing in the middle pseudobulbs carrying deciduous, oblong-lanceolate, plicate, glabrous leaves that blooms in the fall and winter on a erect, 2 1/2' [75 cm] long, erect then arching, pubescent, many flowered inflorescence with 7 to 15 flowers held in a loose raceme occuring after leaf fall and before the new leaves begin to appear.
Synonyms Alismorchis rosea (Benth.) Kuntze 1891; *Limatodis rosea Lindl. 1852-3
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; The Orchids of Burma Grant 1895/95 as Limatodis rosea; Die Orchideen Schlechter 1915; Atlas des Orchidees Cultivees Constantin 1920 drawing fide; The Orchids of Thailand Seidenfaden & Smitinand 1961 drawing fide; The Orchids of Thailand Seidenfaden & Smitinand 1965 corrections; Dansk Botanisk Arkiv Orchid Genera in Thailand I Calanthe Seidenfadden 1975 drawing fide; Die Orchideen Band 3 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas Liferung #14 820 - 880 1984 photo fide; Manual of Orchids Stewart 1995; A to Z of SE Asian Orchids O'Byrne 2001; Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965; Flora's Orchids Nash & La Croix 2005; A Field Guide to the Wild Orchids of Thailand Vaddhanaphuti 2001 photo fide; Wild Orchids in Myanamar Vol 2 Tanaka 2004; A field Guide to the Wild Orchids of Thailand Vaddhanaphuti 2005 photo fide; The Genus Calanthe Clayton & Cribb 2013 photo fide; Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 17 2016 fide;