Catasetum galeatum K.G.Lacerda 1998 SUBGENUS Catasetum SECTION Isoceras SUBSECTION Convergentes Photo courtesy of © Dalton Holland Baptista © Photo by Apolonia Grade and Orchidstudium

Part sunHotSummerFall

Common Name or Meaning The Helmut-Like Catasetum

Flower Size 2" [5 cm]

Found in northern Brazil in rain forests at elevations of 90 to 400 meters as a small to medium szied, hot growing epiphyte with clustered, fusiform pseudobulbs enveloped in youth by imbricate, deciduous sheaths and carrying up to 6, plicate, arching, oblanceolate, gradually narrowing below into the pseudopetiolate base leaves that blooms in the summer through early fall on a basal, pendant, racemose, 4.8 to 8.4" [12 to 21 cm] long, to 15 flowered inflorescence carrying small, non-resupinate flowers all held towards the apex.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; The World Of Catasetum Holtz 1999; Icones Orchidaceaerum Brasilense Plate 029 Castro & Campacci 2000 drawing fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 44-45 pg 2763 - 2898 Brieger 2001;
