Laelia kleberi (F.E.L.Miranda) in ed

Flower in situ on rocks Minas Gerais Brazil

TYPE Drawing

TYPE Photo/Drawing by © Marcos Campacci

Common Name Kleber's Laelia [Kleber de Lacerda Jr., Brazilian discoverer of species current]

Flower Size 1.2" [3 cm]

Found in Minas Gerais state of Brazil at elevations around 1100 meters as a miniature to just small sized, cool growing lithophyte with cylindrical, 2 to 3 internodes, abruptly thickened basally, progressively attenuate towards the apex, slightly laterally flattened, , medium green, sometimes flushed with medium purple towards the apex pseudobulbs basally enveloped by evanescent sheaths and carrying a single, apical, linear-lanceolate, strongly leathery, boat-shaped, erect to slightly reflexed, medium to dark green, sometimes flushed with purple above leaves that blooms in the winter on an erect, to 7.2" [17.7 cm] long, rapidly successively to 6 flowered inflorescence with triangular, adpressed to the pedicel, shorter than the pedicel floral bracts .

Synonyms Cattleya kleberi (F.E.L.Miranda) Van den Berg 2010; *Hoffmannseggella kleberi F.E.L.Miranda 2005

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

* AOS Bulletin Vol 74 #6 2005 as Hoffmannseggella kleberi photo fide;

Neodiversity 5: 13 Van den Berg 2010 as Cattleya kleberi;

