Cheirostylis moniliformis (Griff.) Seidenf. 1978
Drawing/photo by © BHAUMIK & PATHAK, 2006; D, E, F, G: A. Bhattacharjee
Drawing by © Seidenfaden
Common Name The Necklace Shaped Cheirostylis
Flower Size .1" [2.5 mm]
Found in Assam and the eastern Himalayas in secondary forests at elevations of 150 to 1500 meters as a mini-miniature sized, hot to cool growing terrestrial with that blooms in the late fall and early winter on an erect, pubescent below, glabrous above, rachis .96" to 1.52" [2.4 to 3.8 cm] long, 7 to 10 flowered inflorescence with glabrous, linear-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate to cupidate, single veined, bracts and ovary.
Photo Above – Comparison plate: ‘Cheirostylis chinensis var. glabra Bhaumik & M. K. Pathak’. A. Labellum; B. Petal; C. Column with anther-cap – Cheirostylis moniliformis (Griff.) Seidenf.; D-E. Labellum; F. Petal; G. Column A-C: after BHAUMIK & PATHAK, 2006; D, F-G: A. Bhattacharjee 34819 A, CAL; E: A. Bhattacharjee 34819 B, CAL
Synonyms Cheirostylis bhotanensis Tang & F.T.Wang 1951; Cheirostylis chinensis var. glabra Bhaumik & M.K.Pathak 2005 publ. 2006; *Zeuxine moniliformis Griff. 1851
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Dansk Botanisk Arkiv Bind 32 nr 2 Orchids of Thailand VI Neottiideae Seidenfaden 1978 drawing fide; Orchids of Bhutan Pearce & Cribb 2002; A review on Spiranthoideae genera in Arunachal Pradesh Bulletin of Arunachal Forest Research 27 (1&2) : 1-33, Rao 2011 ; Candollea 67(1): 31-35 2012 On the status of some species of Cheirostylis Blume (Orchidaceae) from India Avishek Bhattacharjee ; Flora of Thailand Vol 12 Part 1 Pedersen, Kurzweil, Suddee and Cribb 2011 drawing fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 85 #7 2016 photo fide;