Coelogyne assamica Linden & Rchb. f. 1857 SECTION Fuscescentes Pfitzer & Kraenzlin
Photos by © Eric Hunt
Common Name or Meaning The Assam Coelogyne - In China Yun Nan Bei Mu Lan
Flower Size 1 2/5" [3.5 cm]
Found in Bhutan, northeastern India [Assam], Bhutan, Myanmar, China,Laos, Thailand and Vietnam in primary montane forests or riverine forests at elevations of 700 to 1500 meters as a small to medium sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with close set spindle-shaped pseudobulbs carrying 2, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, plicate, 3 to 5 nerved, gradually narrowing below into the 1'+ [30 cm+] long petiolate base leaf and blooms on a terminal, arching to pendant, 14.8" [to 37 cm] long, rachis slightly fractiflex, racemose, few [2 to 3] flowered inflorescence arising on a newly emerging pseudobulb occuring in the summer and fall.
Synonyms Coelogyne annamensis Rolfe 1914; Coelogyne dalatensis Gagnep. 1930; Coelogyne fuscescens Lindl. var. assamica (Lnden & Rchb.f) Pfitzer & Kraenzlin 1907; Coelogyne saigonensis Gagnep. 1938; Coelogyne siamensis Rolfe 1914; Cymbidium evrardii Guill. 1930
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Xenia Orchidaceae vol 2 Rchb.f 1865 drawing fide; The Orchids of Thailand Seidenfaden & Smitinand 1959 as C siamensis; AOS Bulletin Vol 32 No 5 1963 as C annamensis; The Orchids of Thailand Seidenfaden & Smitinand 1965 corrections as C siamensis; Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965 as C annamensis; Dansk Botanisk Arkiv Bind 29 N.R. 4 Orchid Genera in Thailand III Seidenfaden 1975 drawing fide; The Manual of Cultivated Orchids Bechtel, Cribb, Launert 1992 drawing fide; Identification of the Orchids [Orchidaceae Juss.] Vietnam Averyanov 1994; Oasis Vol 1 No 4 2000; A field Guide to the Wild Orchids of Thailand Vaddhanaphuti 2001 photo fide; The Genus Coelogyne A Synopsis, D A Clayton 2002 photo ok; Orchids of Bhutan Pearce & Cribb 2002; A field Guide to the Wild Orchids of Thailand Vaddhanaphuti 2005 photo fide; Turczaninowia 19 (3): 5–58 L. V. Averyanov1 , Khang Sinh Nguyen etal 2016 ; Orchids of India A Glimpse Misra 2007; ; Orchid Digest Vol 72 #2 2008 photo fide; Flora of China Vol 25 Zhengyi, Raven & Deyuan 2009; The Wild Orchids in Yunnan Xu Xiang Ye & Liu 2010 photos fide; Les Coelogynes E & J George 2011 photo fide; Atlas of Native Orchids of China Vol 1 Jin Xiaohua, Li Jianwu and Ye Deping 2019 photo fide;