Cypripedium gomezianum R.González & Lizb.Hern. 2010SECTION Irapeana
TYPE Drawing by © Jorge Roberto González Tamayo and Las Orquideas del Occidente de Mexico Vol 1: 14 Jorge Roberto González Tamayo y Lizbeth Hernández Hernández 2010
Common Name Gomez's Habenaria [Francisco Medina Gómez for the support he has provided to the advancement of science and technology Mexican current]
Flower Size
Found in Colima state of Mexico in tropical deciduous forest with palms, in calcareous soil, at 1,100 meters as a robust, large sized, cool growing, caespitose terrestrial with a robust, cylindrical, of the same color as the leaves finely grooved, stem ornamented with dense, multicellular, acuminate, colorless trichomes and carrying 14, in the basal part reduced to imbricate, adpresate, obtuse sheaths, as they ascend each time larger, all densely hairy on both sides and on the margins, in these the trichomes are longer and denser than those of the leaves, but smaller than those of the stem, the last ascending ones are extended, light green, the short sheaths, up to .52" [1.3 cm] long, somewhat concave in the base, the apical contracted sides sometimes revolute, the lamina lanceolate, attenuated, acuminate, almost as long and 1.12 to 1.32" [2.8 to 3.3 cm] wide leaves that blooms in the late summer on an erect, an axillary, slender rachis, covered by sinuous acuminate trichomes, among which are some capitate; the distance between the first and the second flower is 1.92" [4.8 cm], successively single to six flowered inflorescence with rigid, ascending, or spreading, flat to shallow concave, the margins somewhat reflexed or conduplicate-reflexed, except at the apex, lanceolate, acuminate, 3 to 3.2" [7.5 to 8 cm] long, 1.04 to 1.52" [2.6 to 3.8 cm] wide, velvety to the touch on both faces, the trichomes of the two faces, smaller than the marginal ones, decrease towards the apex, the acuminate pubescent edges ascending, towards the base there are capitated trichomes larger than the others, all septated, longer than the ovary floral bracts.
" C. gomezianum is distinguished from Cypripedium conzattianum by the yellow flowers; the , elliptical, acute dorsal sepal contracted towards the base, about 1.99" [4.9 cm] long by 1.04" [2.6 cm] wide, on the outside hairy, with glands dense over the entire surface, at the apex the trichomes lack a small head; the side sepals form a cuneate, elliptical, attenuated synsepal with a very short sinus, about 1.88" [4.7 cm] long and .96" [2.4 cm] wide, with three carinas; the petals are rounded towards the base, obovate-lanceolate, abruptly contracted at the distal part, 1.99" [4.9 cm] long, 1" [2.5 cm] wide; the lip is as wide in the distal half, about 21" [5 cm] long, 1.28" [3.2 cm] wide at the apex in natural position, the proximal opening is obtruliform, orthogonal, one centimeter from the base and dilated into two shallow concave, rounded atria, which bend inwards and overlap in the front, the imbricate part ornamented with two undefined red spots, in the densely hairy basal part, mainly on the sides, the white trichomes are acuminate, directed forward and gradually disappear; the staminode is not far from the back of the stigma and is cordiform-triangular, .56" [16 mm] long, and .44" [11 mm] wide, yellow, pubescent in the edges and on the back, with two longitudinal, oblong, attenuated dents; the triangular-obovate stigma, .3" [7.5 mm] long, .18" [4.5 mm] wide and is yellowish, warty over the entire surface;with oblong lateral lobes; the oblate, elliptical anthers are .12" [3 mm] long, .144" [3.6 mm] wide and the pollinia are joined in a horseshoe shape." Jorge Roberto González Tamayo y Lizbeth Hernández Hernández 2010
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
*Bol. Inst. Bot. Univ. Guadalajara 1(2): 64 R.González & R.Ramírez 1992 drawing fide; Las Orquideas del Occidente de Mexico Vol 1: 14 Jorge Roberto González Tamayo y Lizbeth Hernández Hernández 2010 drawing fide;