Dendrochilum kennedyi M.Leon, Cootes, Cabactulan & R.B.Pimentel 2018 SUBGENUS Platyclinis SECTION Platyclinis
TYPE Photos by © Miguel David De Leon and the The Phytoimages Website
Common Name Kennedy's Dendrochilum [in honour of the American ornithologist, book author and conservationist Robert S. Kennedy. His many authoritative works on Philippine birds, including the Birds of the Philippines, remain useful resources for researchers and naturalists. To this day, he continues to raise funds to support various conservation efforts in the Philippines and the United States]
Flower Size .48" [1.2 cm]
Found in the Philippines on Mindanao Island in shady, mossy dipterocarp forests at elevations around 300 to 1200 meters as a small to just medium sized, cool growing epiphyte with erect, clustered, conical-oblong, pseudobulbs enveloped by 3 and carrying a single, sulcate, convex, leathery, linear, acute-acuminate apically, adaxially and abaxially glabrous, margins thickened, 2-nerved and slightly raised on both sides, cuneate below into the petiolate base leaf that blooms in the late winter and early spring on synanthous, cylindrical, racemose, upright to semipendent, peduncle acicular, 10.08" [27 cm] long, rachis to 1.2" [3 cm] erect, , decurrent, up to 7 flowered inflorscence with lanceolate, 9-nerved, persistent, glabrous, dull red, a bit longer than the ovary floral bracts and carryingresupinate, non fragrant flowers.
"A thorough search of the relevant literature regarding the genus Dendrochilum, from the Philippines and neighbouring countries, has not revealed any close relative to this amazing species. The large flowers, with the few-flowered inflorescence are an unusual combination for members of this genus. Several images of this species were sent to Henrik Pedersen, a specialist in the genus Dendrochilum, and his response was “What a marvelous thing - and, no, I have definitely never seen anything like it before!”." Cabactulan, M.D. De Leon, Cootes, and Pimentel 2019
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *OrchideenJ. 6(2): 13 Cabactulan, M.Leon, Cootes & R.B.Pimentel 2018 photo fide;