Dendrochilum hampelii Sulistyo, Gravend., R.Boos & Cootes 2015 SUBGENUS Platyclinis SECTION Eurybrachium Photo by © Rogier van Vugt and The Phys Org Website

Part shade Cool

Common Name Hampel's Dendrochilum [Orchid nurseryman in the Philippines - first to provide authors with study material of the newly described species current]

Flower Size

Found on Mindanao within the Philippines at elevations around 1200 meters as a small sized, cool growing epiphyte with a short rhizome giving rise to close set, fusiform pseudobulbs carrying a single, apcial, erect, convolute, lanceolate to oblanceolate, obtuse, subcoriaceous, 7 to 8 distinct nerved, channeled below into the petiolate base leaf that blooms on a synanthous, racemose, peduncle suberect, arched, slender, somewhat flattened, 7.2 to 8.4" [18 to 21 cm] long, rachis pendent, 8 to 10.6" [20 to 27 cm] long, distichously alternating, many flowered inflorescence with glumaceous, braodly lanceolate to oblong, obtuse to acute floral bracts.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *PhytoKeys 56: 91 Sulistyo, Gravend., R.Boos & Cootes 2015; Orchid Digest Vol 80 #2 2016 photo fide; Orchid Digest Vol 82 #2 2018 Photo fide
