Dendrobium reineckei Schltr. 1911SECTION Grastidium Photo/drawing by © Whistler & Cribb 1996

Part Shade Warm Cool

Common Name Reineck's Dendrobium

Flower Size

Found in the Fiji and Samoa in montane and cloud forests at elevations of 600 to 1550 meters as a large sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with slender, reed-like, many noded, leafy in the apical half stem carrying distichous, linear-lanceolate, obliquely acute, articulate to the weakly striate leaf sheaths below leaves that blooms on a lateral, emerging opposite the leaves from the nodes, peduncle .4 to .6" [1 to 1.5 cm] long, 2 flowered inflorescence with triangular bracts and carrying membraneous, white flowers spotted with pink or red.

Synonyms Grastidium reineckei (Schltr.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones 1997

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchids of Samoa Cribb & Whistler 1996 photo fide;

