Dendrobium sabahense J.J.Wood 2008
Photos by © Ong Poh Teck
Common Name The Sabah Dendrobium
Flower Size .44 to .52" [1.1 to 1.3 cm]
Found in Sabah Borneo in hill forests at elevations of 300 to 130 meters as a small to medium sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte with clustered, erect to pendent, simple to branching stems producing keikis in the distal portion, strongly laterally compressed from a narrow base, straight to flexuous, leafy portion 4.8 to `1" [12 to 30 cm] long, leafless basal portion to 2" [5 cm] long, distal leafless portion 6 to 12" [15 to 30 cm] long, shiny yelllow when exposed stem carrying lowermost and uppermost blades smallest, distichous, equitant, laterally compressed, obliquely narrowly elliptic to oblong-elliptic, ensiform, acute to acuminate leaves that blooms on short, arising on the nodes of the leafless distal portions of the stems, aising through the axils of fasciculate, scarious, later becoming fibrous bracts, successsively single, few flowered inflorescence.
D sabahense is distinguished from D pleasanicium by the leafless distal stems, smaller flowers with a different callus structure and a column lacking twin cavities at the apex of the foot.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchids of Borneo Vol 3 J J Wood 1997 as D smithianum drawing fide; Dendrobium of Borneo Wood 2014 drawing/photo fide