Dendrobium tawauense J.J.Wood 2011 SECTION Crumenata

Drawing by © Andrew Brown

Part Shade Hot LATER Spring

Common Name The Tawua Dendrobium [A district of Sabah Borneo]

Flower Size .6 to .64" [1.5 to 1.6 cm] long

Found in Sabah and Kalimantan Borneo in lowland and hill forests at elevations around 100 to 300 meters as a mini-miniature to medium sized, hot growing epiphyte with clustered, erect, simple to 1 to 2 branched, branches shorter, basal 1 to 2 internodes swollen into a narrowly fusiform pseudobulb carrying narrowly linear, shortly acutely to acuminately bifid, thin leaves with a median ligule of the sheath that blooms in the later spring on mostly arising on older, leafless stems through chaffy bracts, successvely single, few flowered inflorescence

"Closest to D blumei , D mucrovaginatum and D tricuspe but is distinguished by the combination of narrower, linear, shortly acutely to acuminately bifid, thin textured leaves, leaf sheaths bearing a small, median ligule, yellow flowers, with linear, obtuse petals, narrowly conical mentum constricted to .6" [1.5 cm] wide and shallowly bent near the middle, distally gently upcurved, and the lip with very shallow side lobes and an oblong, shallowly, obtusely bilobulate mid-lobe." J J Wood 2014


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Dendrobium of Borneo Wood 2014 drawing/photo fide
