Dichaea caveroi D.E.Benn. & Christenson 2001SECTION Dichaeopsis
Photo by © Oxford Journals Annals Of Botany Page
TYPE Drawing TYPE Drawing by © Bennett & Christenson and The Epidendra Webpage Common Name Cavero's Dichaea [Ecuadorian Collector of species current]
Flower Size .25" [8.2mm]
Found in Peru in very wet dense montane rainforests at elevations around 1300 meters as a small to medium sized, cool growing epiphyte with a monopodial, erect to arching, narrowly foliaceous, sparsely branching stem carrying the conduplicate bases of the disitichously arranged, imbricating , narrowly linear, arcuate, acute, thin leaves with minutely ciliolate margins that blooms in the spring on a short to .8" [2 cm] long, slender, axillary, single flowered inflorescence
Some references put this species as a synonym of Dichaea calyculata.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
*Icones Orchidacearum Peruviarum Plate 629 Dodson 2001 drawing fide; LANKESTERIANA 14(1) 2014