Dichaea integrilabia Valsko, Krahl & Chiron 2016 SECTION Dichaeopsis

TYPE Drawing Photos by Jefferson J. Valsko and Amauri H. Krahl/ TYPE Drawing by © Ana Sofia S. de Holanda and The Reasearch Gate Website

Full Shade Hot LATE LATESpring

Common Name The Entire Lip Dichaea [refer to the lip having no lobes an oddity in this genus]

Flower Size .32" [8 mm]

Found in Amazonas State of Brazil in dense ombrophilous forest, at elevations of 90 to 100 meters as a miniature to small sized, hot growing epiphyte with a terete, suberect stem enveloped by leaf sheathing bases carrying distant,elliptic, acute, deep green, glabrous, deciduous, articulate with the leaf sheath below leaves that blooms in the late spring on an axillary, to .72" [1.8 cm] long, single flowered inflorescence with acute glabrous, cream to whitish bracts and similar floral bracts, a glabrous ovary and carrying campanulate flowers.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Phytotaxa 265: 146 Valsko, Krahl & Chiron 2016 drawing fide
