Dipodium wenzelii P.O'Byrne 2017 SECTION Leopardanthus
TYPE drawing by © Peter O'Byrne
Common Name Wenzel's Dipodium [American Plant Collector in the philippines and collector of the type 1900's]
Flower Size 1.2 to 1.92" [3 to 4.8 cm]
Found in Leyte the Philippines in forests at elevations around 500 meters as a small sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte with monopodial woody, leafy stems carrying spreading, tapering from a broad conduplicate base to an acute apex, 3 main ribbed leaves with overlapping, spreading distally, broader than the leaf, persistent sheaths that blooms in the later spring, late summer and earlier fall on an erect, shorter to longer than the leaves, peduncle3.2 to 8" [8 to 20 cm] long, provided with 2 to 3 distant scales, rachis 2 to 4.8" [5 to 12 cm] long, 6 to 18 flowered inflorescence with ovate to elliptic, obtuse, sometimes apiculate, much shorter than the ovary floral bracts and carrying well spaced, outward facing flowers of unknown colors.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Malesian Orchid Journal Vol 19 2017 drawing/photo fide;