Disa virginalis H.P.Linder 1998 SECTION Phlebidia
Plant and Flowers in situ Cape Province South Africa Photos by © D. Bellstedt and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website
Common Name or Meaning The Virginal Disa [refers to the white flowers]
Flower Size 3/4 to 1.2" [1.7 to 3 cm]
Found in southwestern Cape Province of South Africa on fully shaded sandstone rock faces in shallow mossy soils at elevations of 800 to 1000 meters as a mini-miniature to miniature sized, cold growing terrestrial with subflexuous stems carrying 3 to 6, basal, linear-oblanceolate leaves and reduced, cauline, membraneous, brown-veined, grading into the bracts above leaves that blooms in the spring on an erect, terminal, single flowered inflorescence carrying unscented flowers
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchids of Southern Africa Linder & Kurzweil 1999 photo fide; The Cape Orchids Vol 2 Liltved & Johnson 2012 photos fide;