Disperis discifera H. Perrier 1936
Photo by Landy Rita and The I Naturalist Website
Photos by Olaf Pronk and Laurette E.U.R.L. orchids of Madagascar
Flower in Reunion var borbonica
Plant in situ Reunion Common Name The Disc-Carrying Disperis
Flower Size 1.2" [3 cm]
Found in Madagascar in dense, mossy forests and in Reunion at elevations of 800 to 2250 meters as a miniature to small sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with an elongate stem carrying 3 to 4, very distant, alternate, oval-lanceolate, subacuteapically, rounded basally leaves that blooms in the summer and fall on an erect, 4 to 12 flowered inflorescence carrying large purple flowers.
The variety D discifera var borbonica from Reunion was first described [but not recognized officially until 2002] in 1880 by Perrier and was not seen again until its rediscovery by Jacques Dielin in 2011. This floral variety is above as the photos by François Vandeschricke.
Synonyms Disperis borbonica H.Perrier 1936; Disperis discifera var. borbonica (H.Perrier) Bosser 2002
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Flora of Madagascar Perrier 1939/81 drawing hmm; Orchids of Madagascar Hermans 2007; Field Guide to the Orchids of Madagascar Cribb & Herman 2009 photo fide; Les Orchidees de Madagascar Bosser & Lecoufle 2015 photo fide; A la Recherche des Orchidees de Madagascar Hervouet 2018 photo fide;