Disperis lanceolata Bosser & la Croix 2002

Drawing courtesy of © Dominique Karadjoff and his Madagascar Orchid Website

Common Name The Lanceolate Disperis

Flower Size .24" [6 mm]

Found in northern and northcentral Madagascar in shade of moist forests in deep leaf liter at elevations of 1200 to 2000 meters as a miniature sized, warm to cold growing terrestrial with an erect stem carrying in just below the upper half, distant, 3, small, narrowly ovate, acute, sessile, bract-like leaves that blooms in the fall on a terminal, erect, 1 to 4 flowered inflorescence


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; The Orchids of Madagascar Hermans, Du Puy, Cribb and Bosser 2007; Field Guide to the Orchids of Madagascar Cribb & Hermans 2009
