Disperis nemorosa Rendle 1895 Photo by © Tanner and The Swiss Orchid FOundation a t hte Jany Renz Herbaria Website
Drawing Drawing by © Margaret E Stones and JSTOR Plant Sciences Website
Common Name The Forest-Loving Disperis
Flower Size 1/2" [1.25 cm]
Found in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Angola, Malawi and Zambia in leaf litter in forests at elevations around 2000 meters as a miniature to small sized, cold growing terrestrial with round to oblong tubers giving rise to an underground stem carrying 2 to 4, opposite, ovate, acute to acuminate, cuneate to truncate below into the sessile to petiolate base leaves that blooms in the late summer and early fall on an erect, 1 to 4 flowered inflorescence
CAUTION I am not sure of the photo determination. The Drawing is corect.
Synonyms Disperis centrocorys Schltr. 1915
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora of Tropical East Africa Part 1 Summerhayes 1968 drawing fide; Orchids of East Africa Piers 1968 photo good; The Orchids of South Central Africa Williamson 1977 drawing fide; Flora Zambesiaca Vol 11 Orchidaceae Part 1 Pope 1995 drawing fide;