Diuris drummondii Lindl. 1840 Photo by © John Varigos and His Orchid webpage
Another Angle Photo by Tony Watkinson
Another Color Form Photo by Ron Heberle and the Thelymitra Page of The Species Orchid Society of Western Australia
Common Name Drummond's Diuris [Australian Orchid Collector 1800's] - The Tall Donkey Orchid
Flower Size 1.2 to 1.4" [3 to 3.5 cm]
Found in Western Australia at elevations of 20 to 300 meters in winter wet swamps and depressions and on stream banks as a medium to large sized, cool to cold growing terrestrial orchid with 3 to 6, straight leaves that blooms in the late spring and early summer on an erect, 20 to 40" [50 to 100 cm] long, 3 to 8 flowered inflorescence. This species requires fire to promote blooming and also needs a very wet environment to grow well.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Native Orchids of Australia Jones 2006 photo ok; Orchid Digest Vol 80 #2 2016 photo fide;