!Domingoa haematochila (Rchb. f.) Carabia 1943
Photo by © Lourens Grobler
Photos by Patricia Harding
Plant In situ Dominican Republic
Photo by © Linda & Mikael Karlbom, Sweden
Drawing by © Bobbi Angell
Common Name The Blood-Red Lipped Domingoa
Flower Size to about 1" [2 cm]
Found in Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico at altitudes of 100 to 800 meters as a small to medium sized, epiphytic, hot to warm growing, twig orchid needing moderate shade, high humidity and even year round conditions with clustered, cylindrical, angulate, psuedobulbs enveloped by papery sheaths and carrying a single, apical, erect or suberect, linear-ligulate, acute leaf that blooms mostly in the winter and spring with 1 to 5, fragrant, sequential opening, flowers on an erect, short to 8" [20 cm] long, terminal, slender inflorescence enveloped by papery, acute sheaths and ovate, acuminate or acute bracts, that is longer than the leaves.
Synonyms Domingoa hymenodes (Rchb.f ex Lindl.) Schltr. 1913; Epidendrum broughtonoides Griseb. 1866; *Epidendrum haematichilum Rchb.f 1865;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Flora 48: 277 Rchb.f 1865 as Epidendrum haematochilum
Cat. Pl. Cub.: 261 Griseb. 1866 as Epidendrum broughtonioides;
Die Orchideeen Schlechter 1915;
Symbolae Antillanae Vol VI Orchidaceae Urban 1909 as Epidendrum hymenodes; Symbolae Antillanae Vol VII: 497 Orchidaceae Urban 1913 as D hymenodes; Die Orchideen der Sudamerikanischen Kordillerenstaaten III Ecuador Schlechter 1921 as E zingiberaceum; *Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. ''Felipe Poey'' 17: 143 Carabia 1943 Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965 photo ok; AOS Bulletin Vol 37 No 3 1968 photo fide; Die Orchideen 3 Auflage Bd 1 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Lieferung 8 449 - 512 Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas 1976; The Manual Of Cultivated Orchid Species Bechtel, Cribb & Laurent 1992 as D hymenodes photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 62 No 3 1993 drawing fide; Orchid Digest Vol 57 No 4 1993 as D hymenodes photo fide; An Orchid Flora Of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Ackerman 1995 as D haematochila drawing fide; Cattleyas and Their Relatives Withner Vol 4 1996 photo fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 42 - 43 pg 2626 - 2762 Brieger 2001 drawing fide; Genera Orchidacearum Vol 4 Epidendroideae Part 1 Pridgeon, Cribb, Chase and Rasmussen 2005 drawing fide; The Orchids of Cuba Llamacho & Larramendi 2005 photo fide; Orquideas de la Republica Dominicana Y Haiti Fernandez 2007 photo fide; Mille et Une Mini Orchideees Roguenant 2009 photo fide; Orchid Flora of the Greater Antilles Ackerman 2014 drawing fide;