Dracula callithrix Palaez, Buitrago and Meyer 2009 SUBGENUS Dracula SECTION Dracula SUBSECTION Dracula SERIES Grandiflorae-Parvilabiate Luer 1993
Photo by © Gary Meyer
TYPE Drawing by Buitrago & Pelaez And Orquideologia Vol 26 No 1 2009
Common Name The Titi Dracula [refers to the Mamillian genus Callithrix and to the flowers allusion to the face of a Titi or small white South American Monkey which belongs to that genus]
Flower Size 1" wide x 4.5" [2.5 cm wide x 11.25 cm]
Found in the Narino department in southern Colombia at elevations around 2000 meters as a small sized, cool to cold growing epiphyte with an erect, short, stout ramicaul enveloped by 2 to 3 tubular, loose sheaths and carrying a single, apical, erect, carinate, thinly coriaceous, narrowly elliptic, subplicate, acute, gradually narrrowing below into the subpetiolste base leaf that blooms in the late spring and summer on an horizontal to descending, arising from the base of the ramicaul, dark green spotted purple, 4 to 4.6" [10 to 11.6 cm] long, successively single flowered inflorescence with many brown, tubular bracts and carrying a faintly fragrant flower.
"Similar to Dracula senex-furens but the vertical lamellae of the center of the lip but do not intersect the lateral lamellae.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Orquideologia Vol 26 No 1 2009 photo/drawing fide; Orchids Masdevallia with its segregates including Dracula Zelenko 2014 photo fide