Dressleria dodsoniana H.G.Hills 2006 TYPE Photo by © Harold Hills and Taxonomic Revision of Dressleria [Orchidaceae, Catasetinae] Harold Hills Website

Another Flower

Inflorescence Photos by © G F Carr and his Catisetinae Orchid Blog

Fragrant Deep Shade Cool Fall

Common Name Dodson's Dressleria [American Botanist in Costa Rica and Ecuador Current]

Flower Size

Found in Ecuador on the eastern slopes of the Andes at elevations of 1000 to 1400 meters as a medium sized, cool growing epiphyte with swollen, oblong, 8 to 10 internoded pseudobulbs carrying 8 to 10, basally clasping, distichous, thin, narrowly oblong-ellipticto oblong-obovate, acuminate leaves that have a persistent foul odor, that blooms in the fall on one to several basal, to 12" [30 cm] long, erect, 5 to 18 flowered inflorescence with simultaneously opening, fragrant flowers.

Very similar to and almost indistinguishable from D fragrans except for the differences in location, minor lip details and mostly fragrance which attract different pollinators. D dodsoniana has a fragrance of Methyl salicylate and only attracts the male bees of the species Eufriesia concava


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orquideologia Vol 24 #2 2006 photo/ drawing fide; Native Ecuadorian Orchids Vol 2 2001 as D eburnea photo fide; Flora of Ecuador No 87 225[3] Orchidaceae Dodson & Luer 2010; *Hills, H.G. 2012. Taxonomic revision of Dressleria (Orchidaceae, Catasetinae). Phytoneuron 2012-48: 1–28. Published 23 May 2012. ISSN 2153 733X photo fide
