Encyclia selligera (Bateman ex Lindl.) Schltr. 1914
Photo by © Lourens Grobler
Photo by Andy's Orchids Copyright © 2002 All rights reserved.
Drawing by © R Jimenez
Common Name Saddle-lipped Encyclia
Flower Size to 1 1/2" [to 3.75 cm]
Found in Oaxaca state of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Bahamas [in error?] growing on small trees and on the limestone rocks below at altitudes of 1400 to 2200 meters in oak and pine-oak forests high up on the trunks or higher branches of trees as a medium sized, cool to cold growing epiphytic species that occurs with clustered, conical-ovoid to pyriform pseudobulbs partially enveloped basally by a few scarious sheaths and carrying 2, towards the apex, ligulate or elliptic-ligulate, obtuse, gradually tapering below into the conduplicate clasping base leaves that blooms in the winter and spring on a terminal, apical, large, to 3' [90 cm] long, branched, verrucose, loosely many flowered inflorescence arising on a newly matured psudobulb occuring with showy, long-lived, fragrant flowers.
Similar to E alata but differs most in the lack of wings and auricles on the column.
Synonyms *Epidendrum selligerum Bateman ex Lindl.1838; Epidendrum violodora Galeotti ex Lindl. 1853;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Edwards's Bot. Reg. 24(Misc.): 40 Bateman ex Lindl. 1838 as Epidendrum selligerum
Fol. Orchid. 3: 10 Galeotti ex Lindl. 1853 as Epidendrum violodora;
Xenia Orchidaceae Vol 3 Reichenbach 1890 as Epidendrum selligerum drawing;
* Die Orchideen Schlechter 211 1915;
Atlas des Orchidees Cultivees Constantin 1920 as Epidendrum selligerum drawing ok;
The Genus Epidendrum Ames 1936 as Epidendrum selligerum;
The Orchids of Guatemala Ames & Correll 1952 as Epidendrum selligerum;
Ceiba Vol 5 No 1 L O Williams 1956 as Epidendrum selligerum;
AOS Bulletin Vol 30 No 9 1961 as Epidendrum selligerum;
Venezuelan Orchids Vol 2 Dunsterville & Garay 1961 as Epidendrum selligerum drawing not = E granitica;
AOS Bulletin Vol 32 No 10 1963;
Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965 as Epidendrum selligerum;
Orchid Digest Vol 34 #9 1970as Epidendrum selligerum drawing fide;
The Genus Encyclia in Mexico Dressler & Pollard 1974 photo;
Las Orquedias De El Salvador Vol 1 Hamer 1974 as Epidendrum selligerum drawing/photo ok;
Orchids of Venezuela, An Illustrated Field Guide Vol 1 Dunsterville & Garay 1979 as Epidendrum selligerum drawing not = E granitica;
Las Orquedias de El Salvador vol 3 Hamer 1981 as Epidendrum selligerum drawing fide;
Icones Planetarum Tropicarum Plate 698 Dodson 1982 drawing good;
The Orchids of Surinam Werkhoven 1986 photo fide;
Selbyana Vol 10 Orchids of Central America Hamer 1988 drawing fide;
Manual of Cultivated Orchid Species Bechtel, Cribb, & Launert 1992 photo fide;
Field Guide to the Orchids of Costa Rica and Panama Dressler 1993;
Manual Of Orchids Stewart 1995 drawing ok;
The Cattleyas and Their Relatives Vol IV Withner 1996 photo fide;
Cattleyas and Their Relatives Vol 5 Withner 1998 photo fide;
Guatemala Y Sus Orquideas Behar & Tinschert 1998 photo fide;
Orchidaceae Antillanae Nir 2000;
Icones Orchidacearum 5 & 6 Orchids Of Mexico Parts 2 & 3 Plate 566 Hagsater, Soto 2002 drawing fide;
Orchids of Mexico Hagsater, Soto, Salazar, Jimenez, Lopez & Dressler 2005;
Orchids of French Guiana Szlachetko, Veyret etal 2014 drawing good;
Orchid Genera and Species in Guatemala Archila, Szlachchetko, Chiron, Lipinska, Mystkowska and Bertolini 2018;
Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol IV:450 Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023 drawing fide;