Epidendrum chisquillense Hagsater, Edquen & Cisneros 2020 GROUP Andean SUBGROUP Vernixium
LCDP Photo by © R. Galindo T. & A. Cisneros and Icones Orchidacearum 18(1) plate 1806 2020
Common Name The Chusquilla Epidendrum [a district of the province of Bongara in the department of Amazonas Peru]
Flower Size 1.4" [3.5 cm]
Found in northern Peru, on the eastern summit of the Andes in relicts of high Andean forest with a predominance of ferns and trees and shrubs with moss and lichens at elevations around 3359 meters meters as a medium sized, cold, scandent growing terrestrial with erect, simple, cane-like, thin, terete, the new stems arising from a sub-apical internode of the previous stem and carrying 2 to 3, aggregate towards the apical quarter of the stem, recurved, alternate, tubular, striated base embracing the stem, the lowest leaf much smaller, oblong-elliptic, acute, sub-coriaceous, green, concolor leaves that blooms in the later winter on a terminal, erect, without a spathe, peduncle .88" [22 mm] provided with a basal bract, rachis 1.52" [3.8 cm] long, arching, nutant, racemose, densely successively few, to 15 flowered inflorescence until most flowers open a the same time, with linear-triangular, acuminate, embracing, shorter than the ovary floral bracts and carrying resupinate, lime scented flowers
"Epidendrum chisquillense belongs to the GROUP Andean SUBGROUP Vernixium which is characterized by the successive lateral growths produced from the middle of the previous growth, the few leaves aggregate towards the apex of the stems, a short apical inflorescence with fleshy green to violet-green flowers with short ovaries, and the lip entire to 3-lobed. The species is recognized by the green flowers, sepals .66 to .78" x .176 to .2" [.16.5 to 16.9 x 4.4 to 5.0 mm], petals oblanceolate, .64 x .148" [16.0 x 3.6 mm], and the lip .38 x .78.4" [9.5 x 18.6 mm], obreniform, widest beyond the middle, basically 2-lobed, apex deeply emarginate, with the calli laterally compressed, in front of the sides of the column, conspicuous, semi-orbicular, leaning outwards. It looks much like Epidendrum ulcumanoae which has somewhat larger flowers, sepals and petals olive green to yellow tinged somewhat brown, lip and calli pale yellowish green, with long, apiculate sepals .72 to .76" x .24 to .36" [18 to 19 x 6.0 to 9.0 mm], falcate, oblanceolate petals .52 to .6" x .216" [14 to 15 x 5.4 mm], and the obreniform lip .58 x 1" [14.5 x 25 mm], widest at the middle, the lateral lobes semi-orbicular, with a slightly receded mid-lobe, itself formed by a pair of semi-orbicular lobules, the lip with the lateral margins revolute so as to appear apron like in natural position. Epidendrum rimarachinii Hágsater has sepals about half as wide as they are long, .52 to .6" x .24 to .36" [13 to 15 x 6 to 9 mm], petals oblanceolate, 3-veined, .52 to .6" x .12 to .16" [13 to 15 x 3 to 4 mm], and a lip .52 to .6" x .88 to .92" [13 to 15 x 22 to 23 mm], 3-lobed, obreniform in general outline, lateral margins strongly revolute in natural position, base cordate, bicallose, lateral lobes .36 x .68" [9 x 16.5 mm], transversely obovate, wider towards the apex, mid-lobe .1 x .26" [2.5 x 6.5 mm], receded, formed by two small, semi-orbicular lobes, with a deep sinus in the middle. Epidendrum posticorevolutum Hágsater, A.Cisneros & Edquén is similar in having a receded mid-lobe of the lip but the flowers are smaller, green with a dark brown lip, the sepals are .52 to .6" x .28 to .36" [13 to 15 x 7.0 to 9.0 mm, the petals are .48 x .12" [12 x 3 mm], oblanceolate, with apex obtuse, and the lip is .512" x .96" [12.8 x 24 mm], widest towards the apex" Hagsater & Cisneros 2020
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Icones Orchidacearum 18(1) plate 1806 2020 photo fide; Icones Orchidacearum 18(1) plate 1832 Hagsater, Pfahl & Cisneros 2020 see recognition section; Icones Orchidacearum 18(1) plate 1844 Hagsater & Santiago 2020 see recognition section