Epigeneium triflorum (Blume) Summerh. 1957 SECTION Racemosum
Photo courtesy of Nicole Sawyer
Common Name The Three-Flowered Epigeneium
Flower Size 2" [5 cm]
Found in Java in the eastern mountains at elevations of 1000 to 1800 meters in large clumps on branches of large trees as a small sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte that needs bright light to bloom which occurs in the winter to early spring, a very attractive compact species, with quadrangular 1 1/2" pseudobulbs carrying a pair of bi-lobed 6" leaves, and has an apical, thin and lateral to arching inflorescence which reach 12" [30 cm] long and carry up to 6 [see varieties below] beautiful, creamy white, long-lasting, star-shaped blooms with lateral sepals more or less the same size as the dorsal and the lip has 2 short ribs at the apex..
Synonyms Callista triflora (Blume) Kuntze 1891; Dendrobium triflorum (Blume) Lindl. 1830; *Desmotrichum triflorum Blume 1825; Epigeneium triflorum var. elongatum (Blume) J.B.Comber 1990; Epigeneium triflorum var. orientale (J.J.Sm.) J.B.Comber 1990; Sarcopodium triflorum (Blume) Rolfe 1910
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Die Orchideen Von Java J.J.Sm. 1905; Die Orchideen Schlechter 1915 as Dendrobium triflorum photo good; Die Orchideen 2 Auflage Schlechter 1927 as Dendrobium triflorum photo good; Orchids of Java Comber 1990; A to Z of South East Asian Orchid Species Vol 1 O'Byrne 2001 photo fide; The Dendrobiums H. P. Wood 2006 photo fide; EPIGENEIUM(ORCHIDACEAE) OF JAVA AND SUMATRA Pg 29 Destri 2011 collection sheet fide