Epigeneium laurifolium (Kraenzl.) Summerh. 1957 SECTION Racemosum
Photos by © Leicneagra and The Wild Orchids of Sumatra Website
Common Name The Lauri Nobilis Like Leafed Epigeneium [A bush to tree occuring in South East Asia]
Flower Size 1" [2.5 cm]
Found in Sumatra at elevations around 1900 meters as a miniature sized, cool growing epiphyte with a long creeping rhizome with 1.6 to 2.4" [4 to 6 cm] between each ovoid, quadrangular, orange and shiny when dried pseudobulbs enveloped completly by sheaths and carrying 2, apical, elliptical, rounded, more or less unequally bilobed and incurved apically, narrowing below into the petiolate base leaves that blooms in the late spring and early summer on a much longer than the leaves, to 10"+ [to 25+ cm] long, to 20 flowered inflorescence with minute, triangular, acute floral bracts.
Synonyms Dendrobium laurifolium (Kraenzl.) J.J.Sm. 1933; Katherinea laurifolia (Kraenzl.) A.D.Hawkes 1956; *Sarcopodium laurifolium Kraenzl. 1910
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchidaceae Monandre-Dendrobiinae Fr. Kraenzlin 1910 as Sarcopodium laurifolium; Orchids of Sumatra J B Comber 2001; EPIGENEIUM(ORCHIDACEAE) OF JAVA AND SUMATRA Destri 2011