Epidendrum hyalinilabrum Hagsater, Reina-Rodr. & Cisneros 2020 GROUP Cuatrecasii
LCDP by © G. A. Reina & A. Cisneros and Icones Orchidacearum 18(1) plate 1814 2020
Common Name The Hyaline Lip Epidendrum [refers to the wide, hyaline margin of
the lateral lobes of the lip which is quite unusual in Epidendrum]
Flower Size .4" [1 cm]
Found in Choco' department of Colombia in lowland, tropical rainforests at elevations of 50 to 200 meters as a miniature t osmall sized, hot growing, caespitose epiphyte with simple, cane-like, slightly laterally compressed, arcuate, pendent stems all covered by tubular, slightly laterally compressed, minutely striated foliar sheaths carrying 4 to 5, all along the stem, alternate, articulate, grass-like, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, sub-erect, arched in natural position, coriaceous, margin entire, spreading leaves that blooms in the late summer through early winter on a terminal and lateral, without a spathe, sessile, .72" [1.8 cm] long, apical pluri-racemose, with a rosette of bracts, successively 1 to 2, few flowered inflorecsence with widely triangular, acute, embracing, much shorter than the ovary floral bracts and carrying resupinate flowers.
"Epidendrum hyalinilabrum belongs to the new GROUP Cuatrecasiicharacterized by the caespitose habit, the fleshy
coriaceous narrow leaves on simple stems, and the apical and lateral sessile inflorescences with successive flowers. The new species is
recognized even without having flowers, it can be recognized by the size of the plant to 7.6" [19 cm] tall, and by the smaller, 2.94 to 2.12" x .16 to .2" [2.9 to 5.3 x 0.4 to 0.5
cm], linear-lanceolate, acuminate, coriaceous leaves, but in flower is characterized by the few flowered inflorescence, successive flowers,
1 to 2 open at a time, having both apical and lateral inflorescences that are sessile with non-floral bracts, an ovary about .6" [15 mm] long, the
sepals and petals membranaceous, sepals about .28 to .36" [7 to 9 mm] long, dorsal lanceolate, lateral sepals oblique, the shallowly, sub-orbicular
lip with a widely triangular mid-lobe, distal margin of the lateral lobes erose and hyaline, and the column about .16" [4 mm] long with a
prominent erose-dentate clinandrium hood. Epidendrum cuatrecasasii Garay is larger overall, stems to 16" [40 cm] tall, leaves 1.52 to 4.6" x .12 t o.52" [3.8 to 11.5 x .3 to
1.3 cm], twice the size, sepals .44" [11 mm] long, an ovary about .64 to .92" [16 to 23 mm] long, sepals oblanceolate and rounded, a sub-reniform lip with
margin entire, and a .24" [6 mm] long column." Hagsater & Cisneros 2020
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Icones Orchidacearum 18(1) plate 1814 Hagsater & Santiago 2020 photos fide