Epidendrum labrychilum Hágsater, Edquén & E.Santiago 2019 GROUP Andean SUBGROUP Soratae


TYPE LCDP photo by J. D. Edquén O. & A. Cisneros /Photo by J. D. Edquén O. and The AMO Herbario Website


Common Name The Double Axe Head Epidendrum [in reference to the shape of the lip when spread]

Flower Size .6" [1.5 cm]

Found in San Martin Department of northern Peru, east of the Andes in wet montane forest with abundant moss and lichens at elevations of 1565 to 1765 meters as a large sized, cool growing epiphyte .with the primary stem 24" x .16 to .2" [60 x 0.4-0.5 cm] long, secondary branches .6 to 1.8 x .08 to .12" [1.5 to 4.5 x 0.2 to 0.3 cm], cane-like, terete, thin, the branches produced throughout the length of the primary stem, secondary branches themselves branched, produced from apical internodes of the previous segment or branch and carrying numerous and distributed throughout young primary stem, deciduous when stem mature (i.e. branched), 2 to 3 on the secondary branches; alternate, articulate, erect-spreading, slightly arched, sub-coriaceous; sheathes tubular, striated, rugose, red-brown; blade on primary stem larger, on branches much shorter, linear-lanceolate, apex rounded, margin entire, spreading, dark green to wine-red-brown leaves that blooms in the mid summer on a terminal, without a spathe lacking, peduncle .28 to .4" [0.7-1.0 cm] long, terete, thin at base, gradually thickened towards the apex, straight; rachis .24 to .32" [0.6 to 0.8 cm] long, terete, thin, straight, .56 to .78" [1.4 to 1.7 cm] long, produced from the apex of the secondary branches, racemose, flowering only once, laxly successively, few 6 to 8 flowered inflorescence with much shorter than the ovary, narrowly triangular, acuminate, embracing floral bracts and carrying resupinate, ochre-red flowers with the lip ochre-yellow, column wine-red at the apex, the floral buds wine-red; fragrance of citrus, weak, in afternoon.

"Epidendrum labrychilum belongs to the GROUP Andean SUBGROUP Soratae which is characterized by the branching habit starting on a monopodial, primary stem, infundibuliform, rugose leaf-sheaths, lanceolate, aristate, acute leaves, racemose subcapitate inflorescence on a short, thin peduncle, and the bicallose lip. The species is recognized by the tall primary stem with numerous short branches, dark green to wine-red-brown, linear-lanceolate leaves, successive ochre flowers tinged wine-red, the lip ochre-yellow, and the apex of the column red, sepals 9 mm long, the lip forming a double-bladed axe when spread, strongly reflexed and the posterior side of the lateral lobes revolute in natural position, the calli prominent, convergent. It is similar to Epidendrum obliquum, which has concolor, yellow flowers, the apex of the column purple, sepals .24" [6 mm] long, and the lip transversely elliptic with small, globose calli. Epidendrum constricolumna Hágsater Chocce & E. Santiago produces branches towards the apex of the primary stem, has ovate-lanceolate leaves flowers of similar color and size, but the lip is orbicular, and column abruptly constricted at the base. Epidendrum monteagudoi Hágsater & E.Santiago, has shorter plants, 6.4" [16 cm] tall, which branch near the apex of the primary stem, linear-lanceolate leaves .52" [1.3 cm] long, sepals .32" [8 mm] long, and the lip with globose calli with the mid-lobe widely triangular and obtuse." Hagsater etal 2019


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Icones Orchidacearum 17(1) Plate 1730 Hagsater & Jimenez 2019 LCDP Photo/photo fide
