Epidendrum uribeianum J.M.H.Shaw 2016 GROUP Takulumena
TYPE Drawing by © Szlach. & Kolan
Common Name Uribe's Epidendrum [Colombia Jesuit Priest Type Orchid Collector 1900-1980]
Flower Size .6" [1.5 cm]
Found in Cauca Department of Colombia on the Central Cordillera in high montane forests at elevations around 3200 meters as a mini-miniature sized, cold growing epiphyte with simple, erect, laterally compressed stems enveloped completely by imbricate leaf sheaths carrying 9, distributed all along the stem, distichous, imbricating, articulate, rather thin, linear-lanceolate, canaliculate, obtuse apically leaves that blooms in the summer on a lateral, near basal, creeping-pendent, 1" [2.5 cm] long, 2 flowered inflorescence with acute, falcate apex floral bracts and carrying grayish yellow flowers.
Synonyms *Takulumena uribei Szlach. & Kolan. 2014
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Wulfenia 21: 73 Szlachetko & Kolanowska 2014 as Takulumena uribei drawing fide: