Eria eriopsidobulbon C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f. 1874 SECTION Hymenaria
Inflorescence Photo by © Karel & Alex Petrzelka and the Vietnam Orchid Website
Common Name The Wooly Pseudobulb Eria
Flower Size
Found in Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam in primary evergreen dense montane forestat elevations of 1200 to 2500 meters as small sized, a cool to cold growing epiphyte with oblong to ovoid pseduobulbs carrying 2 to 3, apical, linear-lanecolate leaves and blooms in the winter in the late winter and spring on a 2" [5 cm] long, shortly puberulous, several flowered inflorescence with bracts as long as the ovaries and carrying fragrant flowers
Synonyms Dendrobium gagnepainii A.D.Hawkes & A.H.Heller 1957; Dendrobium minutiflorum Gagnep. 1950; Eria floribundoides Guillaumin 1957; Pinalia eriopsidobulbon (C.S.P.Parish & Rchb.f.) Kuntze 1891; Sayeria minutiflora Rauschert 1983
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; The Orchids of Burma Grant 1895; Opera Botanica #62 Orchid Genera in Thailand X Seidenfaden 1982 drawing fide