Microchilus anchoriferus (Schltr.) Ormerod 2002
Photos by © Rebecca Repasky and Atrium Andes Biodiversity Information System
Common Name or Meaning The Anchor Carrying Erythrodes
Flower Size .1" [2 mm]
Found Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia in wet montane forests at elevations of 800 to 1300 meters as a medium sized, warm to cool growing terrestrial with pubescent roots and a recumbent stem carrying in a spiral, dark green with greenish white spots, carinate on the midline, broadly elliptic, acute, gradually narrowing below into the petiolate base leaves that blooms in the spring to fall on an erect, terminal, to 12" [30 cm] long, many flowered inflorescence
Synonyms Erythrodes anchorifera (Schltr.) Garay 1978; Erythrodes marmorata C.Schweinf. 1941; Microchilus marmoratus (C.Schweinf.) Ormerod 2004; *Physurus anchoriferus Schltr. 1913
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Orchids of Peru Vol 1 Schweinfurth 1958 as Erythrodes marmorata drawing fide; Flora of Ecuador No 9 225[1] Garay 1978 as Erythrodes anchorifera; Icones Planetarum Tropicarum Plate 494 Dodson 1989 as Erythrodes anchorifera drawing fide; Native Ecuadorian Orchids Vol 2 Dodson 2001 as Erythrodes anchorifera drawing ok; Macchu Picchu Orchids Christenson 2003