Eulophia aculeata (L.f.) Spreng. 1826 SECTION Orthochilus Photo by © Sallyslak and The I Spot Nature Website
Dark Color Form Photo by © Lourens Grobler
Plant and Flowers in situ Photo by © Tyrone Genade
Common Name The Pointed Eulophia
Flower Size
Found in Lesotho, Swaziland, Cape Province, Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal South Africa in sunny sour grasslands at elevations around 900 to 2200 meters as a small sized, cold growing terrestrial with elongate, linear, acute, plicate leaves and blooms in the late spring through early summer on an erect few flowered inflorescence carrying drooping color variable, faintly fragrant flowers. Subsp aculeata has dull ivory to white to greenish white flowers, subsp huttonii has concolor greenish white to pink tinged green to dark reddish purple flowers with the lip crests being yellowish green to white.
Synonyms Cymbidium aculeatum (L.f.) Sw. 1799; Cymbidium pedicellatum (L.f.) Sw. 1800; Cymbidium plicatum Harv. ex Lindl. 1836; Cyrtopera pedicellata (L.f.) Lindl. 1833; Epidendrum aculeatum (L.f.) Poir. 1810; Epidendrum pedicellatum (L.f.) Poir. 1810; Eulophia aculeata subsp. huttonii (Rolfe) A.V.Hall 1965; Eulophia capensis (L.) Bolus 1882; Eulophia culveri Schltr. 1924; Eulophia pedicellata (L.f.) Spreng. 1826; Eulophia plicata (Harv. ex Lindl.) Bolus 1882; Orthochilus aculeatus (L.f.) Bytebier 2014; *Satyrium aculeatum L.f. 1782; Satyrium capense L. 1760; Satyrium pedicellatum L.f. 1782; Serapias aculeata (L.f.) Thunb. 1794; Serapias pedicellata (L.f.) Thunb.1794;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Wild Orchids of Southern Africa Stewart, Linder, Schelpe & Hall 1982; AOS Bulletin Vol 52 No 1 1983 photo good; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1B lieferung 24 1457 - 1520 Brieger 1991; Orchids of Southern Africa Linder & Kurzwell 1999 photo fide; Orchid Digest Vol 64 #2 2000 photo fide; Field Guide to the Orchids of Northern South Africa and Swaziland McMurty, Grobler, Grobler & Burns 2008 photos good; The Cape Orchids Liltved & Johnson 2012 photos fide
Eulophia aculeata subsp. huttonii (Rolfe) A.V.Hall 1965 Photos by© Lourens Grobler
A color variety of the previous species with concolor greenish white to pink tinged green to dark reddish purple flowers with the lip crests being yellowish green to white.
Synonyms Eulophia huttonii Rolfe 1912 Wild Orchids of Southern Africa Stewart, Linder, Schelpe & Hall 1982 photo ok; Orchids of Southern Africa Linder & Kurzwell 1999 photo fide; Field Guide to the Orchids of Northern South Africa and Swaziland McMurty, Grobler, Grobler & Burns 2008 as E huttonii photos good; The Cape Orchids Liltved & Johnson 2012 photos fide