Flickingeria flabelliformis (Schltr.) A.D.Hawkes 1965 SECTION Plicatiles
Drawing by Schlechter and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website
Common Name The Fan Shaped Flickingeria
Flower Size
Found in New Guinea on trees in forests at elevations around 800 meters as a medium sized, warm growing terrestrial with a stem-like, terete, rigid rhizome giving rise to distant, compressed, oval to oblong pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, erect to erect-patent, subcoriaceous, ovate-lanceolate, obtuse leaves that blooms in the late fall and early winter on an erect, successively single flowered inflorescence
Schlechter states that the flowers are pale yellow with a few red veins on the side lobes of the labellum.
Synonyms *Dendrobium flabelliforme Schltr. 1912; Desmotrichum flabelliforme (Schltr.) A.D.Hawkes 1957; Ephemerantha flabelliformis (Schltr.) P.F.Hunt & Summerh. 1961
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchidaceae of German New Guinea Schlechter 1912 as Dendroium flabelliforme drawing fide;