SECTION Furvescens E C Schmidt, Borba & Vandenburg in prep

TYPE = Bulbophyllum nagelii L.O.Williams 1939

This section are epiphytes with evanescent, membraneous bracts giving rise to pseudobulbs carrying a single, coriaceous leaf that blooms on a synanthous to proteranthous, erect to apically drooping to 20 degrees, racemose inflorescence carrying spirally arranged, resupinate flowers with free lateral sepals, erect petals and an anther without a protrusion taller than the anterior margin.

There are 5 species in this section occuring in forests at elevations up to 1900 meters in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guyana, Fr Guiana and Surinam as well as Mexico.

  1. *!Bulbophyllum nagelii L.O.Williams 1939

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Genera Orchidacearum Vol 6 Epidendroideae Pt 3 Pridgeon, Cribb Chase & Ramussen 2014;
